Generating ideas is crucial in creating an engaging and great game. With a good idea, you can produce a great game. With it, the game can be easier to play and more appealing. Thus, creative ideas are necessary to make a game. Here are some tips for finding ideas for creating a great game.
1. Look for Interesting Game Ideas
Game ideas can come from anywhere and anytime. We can get game ideas from things that are unrelated to the game itself. Some game creators can get ideas from unexpected events or personal experiences. For example, the inspiration for Legend of Zelda came from the creator’s childhood experience of exploring homes and caves near his house. We can also take inspiration from the creator of Metal Gear Solid, who was inspired by playing Space Invader.
2. Play Many Games
Not only based on personal experience but also one of the tips for getting good ideas to make a game is playing many games. We can pay attention to some details in a game, and play while identifying the shortcomings and advantages of a game, so we can create a new game that is more unique, great, and enjoyable to play by many people.
3. Look for More References
We can obtain more ideas from books, television, movies, and other entertainment media to get more ideas. We can get good ideas for creating games. Most importantly, we have imagination and can imagine the game creation that will be made later.
4. Discuss and Be Open-Minded
Not only search for references, but we can also have discussions with experienced people in their fields. We can create a fun and open discussion atmosphere to get ideas for making games.
A more open-minded mindset is also necessary to accept new ideas when developing a game. We can accept all the information that is told to us. However, we need to filter the information that enters. If there is information that is not suitable, we need to identify it.
5. Write Down Ideas That Come Up
The last step to getting a game is to write down the ideas that come up. It is necessary to write down the ideas so they do not disappear. With the fantastic ideas that have been recorded, they will not reappear several times. So, use them as best as possible. We should not forget the ideas that have come to our minds. Of course, this can hinder creation of a great and good game.
Those are some tips for finding ideas to create a great game. Ideas are the foundation for creating a great and enjoyable game for many people. To bring your game ideas to life, Megaxus is ready to help with the game development Indonesia we offer. For more information, please visit the website or contact